Does Facial Hair Grow Faster After Shaving? [Myth-Busted]

What boys don’t like most are shaving their face after every week or in some cases a few days. With puberty, the most visible body change is facial hair growth.  Though it is directly related to hormonal level. But many myths have developed about the association between shaving and facial hair regrowth.

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People think shaving stimulates facial hair growth. If you too think in some way, read this article.

Does facial hair grow faster after aftershave?

Shaving does not affect the rate of facial hair growth. However, shaving razors and ways to shave facilitate quick hair growth a little bit. But overall it all depends on how your body reacts to hormone levels. It also depends on the gene, diet, and overall health of a person

So it’s not a provable fact that shaving boosts hair growth. I remember when I was a child my mother used to shave my head in the hope that I would get thicker and healthier hair. It was an old belief that the more you shave your hair, the healthier hair grows.

How fast does facial hair grow

Indeed, facial hair grows a bit faster than head hair. The growth rate of facial hair on average is about one-quarter inch per month and 0.3 to 0.5mm per day. It’s slightly faster than the hair on the scalp that is 0.3 to 0.4mm per day and 1/2inch per month. However, you can’t apply this rough estimation to everyone’s facial hair growth.

The answer to this question differs for everyone. The growth rate of facial hair depends mainly on how your body works. It also depends on genes, age, hormonal level, diet, shaving routine, and overall health of a person. So we can’t give an exact figure on how fast facial hair grows. It varies for everyone.

Does facial hair grow back faster after shaving: Scientific Facts

Does shaving make hair grow faster? To understand the reality it’s important to know about the 3 distinct phases of hair development. These are anangen, catagen, telogen and exogen.

Let’s discuss each phase briefly…


It’s the initial phase of hair growth. It’s long enough and may take 3 to 5 years. In this face, roots develop from follicles and sebaceous glands develop around the follicles.


It’s a quicker phase and may take 1 to 2 weeks. In this phase, degradation of the hair follicle starts. The connection between blood vessels and follicles stops. The hair goes into the resting phase.


In this phase, the hair has stopped growing. As the connection between the follicles and blood vessels has already been cut off in the catagen. The hair growth stops or thinning starts.

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The fact is that shaving actually reverses the hair development phase back to anagen. Suppose you have a beard that has stopped growing anymore. Or it’s in the resting phase. When you shave it, you may observe it has started growing

The reason is that it has reentered in the anagen phase and started growing again. This has generated the myth that shaving makes hair grow faster. But actually, the hair that will grow after shaving slows down in growth soon.

So it’s just a myth and has nothing to do with scientific facts. One more myth is does shaving make facial hair thicker?

When the same question was asked to follicle expert Stenn, he answered, “Scientists have tried to demonstrate, to test this idea, and some scientists claim that this occurs,” he said. “But usually the science is not very good. I don’t think it’s ever been demonstrated clearly that cutting or roughing your skin causes the hair to come back thicker — it comes back quicker.”

In fact, when you shave your skin, the thicker part of the follicle remains inside. It is probably the first part to emerge outside after shaving as a fuzz. This creates confusion that after shaving hair grows thicker. But after gaining length it will be turned thinner from the tip.

If it is true, there will be no balding. People shave or shave frequently to grow hair back. But it does not happen in reality.

It may also happen with boys in puberty especially when some boys feel a spike in testosterone level.

Myths Related To Shaving Makes Facial Hair Grow Faster

There are certain myths related to boosting facial hair growth after shaving. Let’s discuss what these myths are:

  1. It’s all about the game as an optical illusion. When you don’t cut your beard for a long time thinking it is not growing considerably. After shaving hair-like fuzz comes out within a week. It makes you happy that shaving has produced new and healthy hair. But in reality, it is the lower portion of the hair strand that comes out. It is always thick.
  2. During puberty, it may happen with some boys that they regrow facial hair faster after shave. The reason might be a spike in testosterone level. It could be coincident or related to the changing phase of life from puberty to adulthood. If this happens once or twice it does not mean it will happen every time.
  3. Sometimes it’s your shaving methods that make your shave appear quickly. When you use double-end razors with multiple blades you cut your hair deeply. When this hair appears it seems as if its cut end grows outside. This makes you feel as your shaved hair has regrown quicker.

Tips to grow facial hair faster

If your facial hair is not growing at a normal growth rate, it’s time to focus on your hormonal level. Here are few tips to follow if you want to grow facial hair faster

1-Use Beard Oil

Using beard oil is a fantastic idea to speed up the growth rate. For those living in cold regions, beard balm is the best product. It contains beeswax which is a good conditioning agent. Using beard wash is good for deep cleaning. If you love your beard more, try beard wipes.

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2- Do extra care of face fuzz

After shaving hair-like fuzz appears on the face. It is thick as it emerges out of a thicker portion of the follicle. It is exposed to sunlight, dust, heat, cold, and spittle. If you really want to grow your beard quickly, you need to take care of this fuzz. Use sunscreen lotion for scalp or aftershave creams. This fuzz will further develop into a proper hair-like structure after 2 to 3 weeks.

3- Take enough protein

The outermost layer of the hair strand is made up of keratin. This is commonly found in high protein diets like eggs, nuts, and meats. If you take a high proteinaceous diet, your beard will grow faster. Not only this, but it will also become stronger.

4- Check Hormonal Level

If your facial hair is not growing over months, it’s time to visit a doctor. He will suggest hormonal testing. If your testosterone level is low, you are likely to grow a beard slowly. So, it’s important to keep an eye on your hormonal level.

5- Avoid Stress and take a rest

Stress is a major reason that can stop hair growth. It can also initiate hair pulling and touching disorders. Stay positive and keep your mind busy. Don’t let negative thoughts occupy your brain. It will drive you mad. Do exercise daily and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Question

Why does my facial hair grow so fast?

It’s a myth or some perception that hair grows fast after shaving. According to hair follicle experts, shaving does not affect the growth rate of facial hair. They grow at a normal rate whether you shave or not. It is a gene, hormonal; level, or diet which determines growth rate.

Does shaving your face increase hair growth?

According to research, shaving has nothing to do with hair growth rate. It’s all genetics and hormonal level that determines how fast your facial hair will grow after shaving. It varies from person to person.

How long does facial hair take to develop?

When you shave facial hair, hair-like fuzz appears the next day. It takes 24 hours to develop 0.3 to 0.5mm of hair growth. For full beard growth, it may take 2 to 4 months. Average facial hair grows a quarter-inch every month.

Why does my facial hair grow so fast after shaving?

There is no relation or association between shaving and facial hair growth rate. Hair grows inside the follicle. These follicles are located inside the scalp. When you shave hair you remove it above the follicle. It’s all your genetics, hormonal level, and diet which decide the growth rate of your facial hair not shaving.

Bottom Line

From the above explanation, it’s clear that shaving does not affect the growth rate of facial hair. However, your shaving tools and ways matter a lot. Always sanitize your instruments before shaving. If you go to a barbershop, make sure he is using a new razor every time. Bring your own towels from home to avoid infection and diseases.