Does Temperature Affect Hair Growth? [3 killer facts + Tips to Save Hair]

Balmy and pleasant seasonal changes in temperature are welcomed by everyone but get depressed with the extreme rise and fall in temperature.

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Do you think the high temperature of summer slows down your hair growth? Do you feel more hair shedding in hot humid summer? Are you worried about your lifeless frizzy hair in cold gusts of winters? Are you sick of itching and dandruff that is the gift of frosty winters? If so, this post is for you!

Does temperature affect hair growth?

YES, the extreme rise and fall in ambient temperature lead to certain positive and negative changes in our body and hair health. However, the negative effects of temperature on hair growth can be minimized by eating a wholesome diet, following a proper hair care routine, moisturizing and hydrating your tresses, and applying protectants against sun or heat damage around the year.

Though Hair growth is predetermined by genes, temperature also affects hair growth to some extent. The moisture level is affected when it is the burning heat of summer or prolonged humid monsoon or dry and cold breeze of winter.

Don’t worry, you can get rid of all the negative impacts of temperature…just read on our post to combat all of your hair issues.

Does High-Temperature Affect Hair Growth

In the context of high ambient temperature or hot summer days, high temperature is hard on hair texture but yields a positive effect on hair growth.

1- Hair Grows Faster In Summer

According to NIH hair grows 10-15% faster on hot summer days as compared to hair growth on cold winter days.

The fast hair growth in summer is not because of humidity or UV rays. Hence cold winters make us lazy and restrictive while in summer we become physically more active.

Our body produces more hormones and tends to work more to keep our body cool. It increases blood circulation throughout our body, dilates the scalp pores, and stimulates hair follicles to grow fast.

During hot weather, the use of hair masks, conditioning, and hair growth treatments become more beneficial to make your hair healthy and grow faster.

2- High-Temperature Leads to Hair Breakage

The high temperature of summer or heating tools both are the worst enemies of hair. The scorching sun and UV rays, Saltwater of the sea, and chlorine can damage your hair strands and fade the color of your hair.

Excessive heat can damage hair follicles and weaken hair shafts from roots. It can make your hair brittle and results in hair breakage.

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This hair damage can be minimized by using heat and UV protectors.

3- Hot-Humid summer Induce Hair Loss

To lose 10-100 hair strands daily is normal and is not a matter of high concern because it would not make you bald. But excessive hair shedding for an extended period is a worrisome condition.

When air is loaded with humidity your hair cannot escape from frizz and breakage. Your hair cuticles become sensitive to hydrogen present in the air, the hair follicles expand and burst out which results in hair shedding. That is why people often complained of prolonged hair loss in high humid summers.

This hair shedding once a year is part of the hair growth cycle but extended hair loss needs your great attention. Protein and Keratin Treatments are for you.

Effects of Low Temperature On Hair Growth

As the winter season sets in, cold and dry winds with less moisture start blowing. Lack of moisture in the air makes your hair dry dull and brittle and leads to split ends. Extra moisturization is needed to protect your hair and make winter days good for your hair.

But the positive effect of low temperature on hair is that hair fall remarkably reduces in winter.

Research shows that in winter the human body produces more Melatonin which regulates the hair growth process and inhibits hair loss.

Does hair grow slowly in Winter?

Normally hair grows rate at an average of ½ inch per month. In the hair growth process, apart from genetics, good nutritious food, physical exercise, and intensity of hair care play a vital role to increase immunity, nourish and stimulate hair follicles to grow faster.

According to researchers, it is observed that human hair grows slowly in winter as compared to summer. But hair shedding is a common hair problem in summer. People experience less hair shedding in winter.

In fact, during frosty winters we become lazy and spend more time at home. Our skin and hair are deprived of moisture and become dry and brittle. To counteract the negative effects of winter, intense moisturization is the key.

Damaging Effects of  High Temperature of Water on Your Hair Growth

In winter hot water showers seem very tempting and soothing. It is considered that warm water can effectively clean your scalp. But you are unaware of the damaging effects of hot water on your hair and scalp.

Hair experts recommend lukewarm or cold water to wash your hair because hot water can make your hair dry and brittle and is the root cause of itchy flaking scalp.

Hot water can make your hair porous, weaken your hair follicles, inhibit hair growth, resulting in breakage and hair shedding.

Lukewarm water is ideal for washing and cleansing your scalp. The use of cold water as the last rinse locks in moisture seals hair follicles to prevent hair fall and promotes hair growth.

7 Tips You Should Know To Save Your Hair From Bad effects of Temperature

Here are some easy tips to save your hair from the damaging effects of temperature throughout the year.

  1. Don’t forget to take wholesome nutritious food full of biotin, vitamin Bs, vitamin C, folate, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for the health of the body and hair the whole year.
  2. Wash your hair 2-3 times in winter and 3-4 times in summer with a moisturizing shampoo.
  3. Use a deep conditioner 2-3 times a week in winter, and 1-2 times a week in summer. Rinse with cold water to lock in moisture.
  4. Whether it is the high temperature of hot stylers, the fiery summer, or frosty winter; use heat and UV protectors. Use blow dryers with a diffuser.
  5. Keep yourself hydrated, drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration in extreme weather.
  6. Do not forget to take care of your hair at night. Massage your scalp 4-5 minutes daily, pile up your hair and sleep on a silk pillowcase to avoid static friction, frizz, and breakage.
  7. Hair grows with a pretty good speed in summer. So if you want to grow your bad haircut, summer is the best season. Hair growth masks and serums are more effective in summer.
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In short, you can nullify the damaging effects of temperature, keep your hair healthy and grow faster by making efforts and taking intensive care according to an extreme change in temperature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does high temperature affect hair growth?

The high temperature has a positive effect on hair growth. Hair grows 10-15% faster in summer as compared to winter when the temperature is very low. Actually, in summer we become physically active, so the flow of blood to hair follicles increases which in turn stimulates hair growth.

Does hot and humid weather cause hair shedding?

Yes, hot and humid weather is the enemy of hair health and the culprit of hair loss. In high humid weather, your hair becomes sensitive to hydrogen present in the air, becomes frizzy and fragile, and results in hair shedding.

Is Air conditioner or heating system bad for hair health?

Yes, excessive use of Air conditioners and heating systems in houses can strip off your hair from its natural moisture and make your hair frizzy and brittle. This can be reversed by hydrating your hair with hair moisturizing masks and leave-in conditioners.

Bottom Lines

As cold dry winter is hard on your hair, the worrisome fiery summer brings with it sticky humidity, the worst enemy of hair. Besides all of the bad effects of temperature on hair, one good thing about the high heat of summer is that hair grows faster in this weather.

Switch to a hair care routine to minimize the damaging effects associated with extreme temperature changes.

Take a well-balanced wholesome diet, follow a proper hair care routine of moisturizing, conditioning, oiling your hair, opt-out of excessive heating tools, and use hair repairing masks and heat protectants to negate the damage and loss caused by the fluctuations of temperature all year.

If you experience unusual hair issues such as excessive and extended hair fall in summer, or extremely slow growth of your hair in frosty winter, then you should consult a dermatologist for underlying hair issues.

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