How to Dye Short Hair Without Staining Scalp? [7Easy Ways Plus Tips]

Coloring short hair is like an art. Imagine your hair as a canvas and take a paintbrush to start with. Taking the right amount of dye on the brush and rubbing it on hair gently without dropping any drop on the scalp is the main essence of this procedure.

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The trouble may arise when hair is shorter than 2-inch. They are closer to the scalp and any mistake in the painting may result in a dye stain that looks ridiculous. Pro hairstylists never take the risks of staining the scalp. They use different methods to prevent stains as much as possible.

How to dye short hair without staining the scalp?

Professional hairstylists apply color barriers to prevent direct contact with color and scalp. This barrier is available in the form of cream or you can also use petroleum gel or hair moisturizer for this. Using a small paintbrush may also help. Another way to prevent forehead and neck stain is to use a shower visor.

The due activity of the dye procedure never tries it at home. Always book an appointment with an expert hairstylist. Almost all types of dye contain a chemical that may burn your hair if not taken in the right amount. For short hair experts recommend permanent dye so that you may not need to see it again for up to 6 months.

7 Tips On How To Dye Short Hair Without Staining Scalp

Coloring long hair is quite easier than short. The reason is that you can manage scalp exposure to color easily in long hair as compared to short ones. It is almost impossible to color 2 inches or 1-inch long hair without staining head skin.

1-Use Shower Visor

To avoid hair dye dropping on the forehead use a shower visor. It is an adjustable tool that you can fix around your forehead. It will keep the dye above the head. However, to protect the scalp, you need to be more conscious when applying color, especially on short hair.

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2-Use Small Size Paint Brush

Coloring small hair is like painting with a paintbrush. Never use the brush that comes with dye cream or kit. Use a small size paintbrush if your hair is 1 to 2-inch in length. Gently dip the brush in dye and apply it from hair to hair. Take less amount of dye on the brush and don’t let it drop on the scalp.

3-Get Assistance from Hairexpert

Never try coloring hair yourself. Always seek hair expert help. It is a complex procedure, it may stain your scalp and hands if you make any mistakes. Always wear gloves and a dye- protector as stains will not go away easily.

4-Use hair color barrier cream

When coloring short hair, professionals create barriers between the hairline and scalp using color barrier creams. If you don’t have this cream at home, you can use petroleum jelly or aloe vera gel to keep the dye away from the scalp. Apply gel on the scalp near the hairline and then try color.

5-Use semi-permanent hair dye

Despite using dye protectors and barriers, it is common to have some stains in the end. If your hair is shorter than 4-inch never go for permanent dye. If you get a stain from permanent dye, it will take more time to go away. Use semi-permanent hair dye or instant hair dye.

6- Choose Right Color For Short Hair

Choosing the color opposite to natural hair color may result in more visible stains on the scalp. So, it is inevitable to choose a color closer to natural color. You may choose a dark shade or light shade of your natural hair color. Consider color wheel if you are new to dye mixing games.

7-Apply Stain barrier cream

Hair experts recommend using stain barrier creams on the scalp to avoid color marks. This cream protects the scalp without penetrating the hairline. You can safely apply it to the scalp, neck, hairline, and forehead.

Is there any hair dye that does not stain the scalp

So far no hair dye is stain-free. Almost all dying, bleach, and straightening products use chemicals like sodium hydroxide and chlorine that cause bleach-like effects on garments and scalp. If there is no chemical in the dye, no color will sustain on hair. Many dye products label themselves as zero impossible chemical.

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If you are worried about staining your scalp more than try temporary dye, not permanent. The stain you may get in this dye will go away after 3 to 4 days.

How can I dye my hair without touching my scalp: 5 Tips

Hair color contains chemicals like Sodium hydroxide and choline. These chemicals produce bleach-like stains when getting in contact with garments. If you dye your hair with a darker shade, it may also produce unpleasant visible stains on the scalp if even a drop of dye falls there.

Although it is almost impossible to dye hair without touching the scalp especially when hair is too short. But there are a few tips that can keep you away from the scalp

  1. Wear Safety Gloves
  2. Use a paintbrush instead of a dye brush
  3. Use barrier gel  to avoid the connection between scalp and dye
  4. Wear a shower cap to avoid touching the forehead
  5. Take less amount of paint for one application


How do I protect my scalp when dying my hair?

It is easy to protect the scalp when dying long hair. But it is too difficult or almost impossible to prevent a hundred percent exposure of the scalp when hair is too short. For this you can use stain barrier creams, petroleum gel or hair moisturize on the scalp. Wearing a shower visor may also help to prevent stains on the forehead and neck.

How do you apply dye to short hair?

To apply dye on short hair first create a barrier between the hairline and scalp. Otherwise, the scalp may get a stain that will not go away after a week. You can buy stain barrier creams for hair dye, or use petroleum gel or hair moisturizer for this. If you don’t have this you can apply oil of any type only.

Bottom Line

Dying short hair is a troublesome procedure. It requires extreme care if you want to avoid stains. If you create a barrier of some oily material between the scalp and hairline, you can considerably reduce dye stains.

In markets, no dye is available that is stain-free. Get the help of an expert hair dryer if your hair is short. Don’t try to do it yourself at home. If you do so, the chances of staining the scalp are higher than the hair. Stay tuned for the more informative posts!

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