Does Long Hair Cause More Hair Loss? [Myth Or Truth]

When faced with hair fall problems, anyone with long hair thinks that it is because of long hair. Is it true? Especially, men believe in this myth that having long hair is the symbol of hair loss and eventually leads to baldness.

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What is your opinion?

If you find a lot of hair on your pillowcase or while taking a shower, what do you do?

It is definitely an alarming situation.

Does long hair cause more hair fall?

Long hair itself does not cause hair to fall directly. However, it gets tangled and is easily prone to breakage. Moreover, your diet, wrong hair products, unhealthy habits, and any genetic problem may be working behind this issue.

That’s why it is important to know the actual reason for hair fall before going through any medical treatment or home remedies.

So, we can say that it is a myth that long hair causes more hair fall. The truth is that many other factors damage your hair and make it fall out.

To figure out the actual reason for hair fall, read this post with great interest.

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Does Hair Length Cause Hair Fall

Do you have long hair? Are you facing hair loss? Do you think long hair causes it? There are different myths about it. Many people who blame long hair for hair fall are wrong…

There is no specific reason that proves this fact. The main reasons for balding are related to internal factors and also from an inheritance.

Usually, hair loss starts from the roots of hair or Hair bulbs under the skin. It may be because of stress, an unhealthy diet, hormonal changes, and some disease.

But it doesn’t mean long hair does not affect hair loss. Sometimes it weakens the roots if you don’t care for it properly.

Now, What about short hair? Why does it look healthy and fine? Well, it’s very simple.

When we cut short our hair, actually, we cut off weakened parts of the hair and leave strong and new hair on the roots.

But this logic has no relation to the length and strength of hair.

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Why Does Long Hair Fall Out

Many people face this issue but the reasons are different. Long hair is heavyweight that’s why many people feel it’s easy to triangle it up. When you comb your long hair, it starts breaking.

Another point that blames hair fall on long hair is the hairstyle you make. It is difficult and time-consuming to make hairstyles of long hair. Many people try to set it up aggressively in hairstyles like Bun, Pigtail, and Braids, etc.

They don’t know such styles may create stress and tension in your hair and damage the roots of the hair.

If you keep styling in this way, it will start breakage in hair follicles and result in hair fall.

What Can You Do To Stop Hair Fall

  1. Take proper care of hair: Your hair demands you proper care. Long hair needs more care so be active and take care of your hair by adopting easy simple ways.
  2. Healthy LifeStyle: Your lifestyle also affects your hair. Take proper exercise, have a proper sleep, and avoid unhealthy activities like smoking and drinks.
  3. Balanced Diet: Take a balanced diet as it is essential for healthy hair. Your food must have a proper amount of iron, vitamin, protein, and zinc.
  4. Head Massage: Head massage helps your hair follicles to grow properly. It also makes the roots of the hair strong. Always use essential oils for massage and don’t rub your scalp harshly.
  5. Avoid Stress: Stress is the main cause of hair fall. So, avoid baldness, it is crucial to keep yourself away from stress and anxiety. You can do it by involving in healthy activities like reading and playing healthy games.
  6. Brush Properly: The way you comb your hair is also important. To stop hair fall, use the best quality airbrush and don’t use it aggressively. For the best hair growth, brush your hair gently.
  7. Choose Products Carefully: Hair products work like a key factor in hair growth. A wrong decision will destroy your hair in just a minute. So, be careful while selecting any hair product. Don’t compromise in quality of a conditioner and shampoo.
  8. Use Natural Oils: Natural products show the best results in comparison to artificial elements. Natural oils no doubt, sometimes work slowly but have no side effects and are harmless. The best hair growth oils are Olive oil, castor oil, and coconut oil.

5 Magical Natural Remedies To Stop Hair Fall

It is best to use natural methods instead of artificial products. They are good in use because they have no side effects. There are several home remedies to help you to avoid hair fall.

5 most working solutions are listed below:

  1. Egg Mask: Take one egg white and add it to one teaspoon of olive oil and honey. Make a mixture in a bowl and apply it from root to tip. Rinse it off after 20 minutes.
  2. Licorice Root: This is the best herb to prevent hair loss. Add 1 tablespoon of licorice powder and a quarter teaspoon saffron to a cup of milk. Apply it on your hair and scalp properly and leave it. Wash your hair the next morning. You can do it twice a week.
  3. Beetroot Juice: Take 8 beetroot leaves and 6 henna leaves or powder. Grind both leaves properly and make a paste. Apply this paste on your head with your hair and wash it after 20 minutes with warm water.
  4. Greek Yogurt And Honey: Take a bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon to 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Apply this paste on the roots and scalp with the help of a brush. Wash it with cold water after 30 minutes.
  5. Aloe Vera: It works magically to stop hair fall. Extract aloe vera pulp from the stalk. Apply it to hair roots and leave for 45 minutes to get the best results. Wash it with normal water. Repeat this process 3-4 times a week.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Can hair fall be stopped?

Many easy tips will help you to slow down hair fall or stop it permanently. But it is essential to know about the reason before applying any method.

Is it normal to lose more hair when it’s longer?

According to experts, it is normal to shed 100-150 hair per day. Abnormality starts when you start to fall more than usual. You can notice it while taking shower or brushing your hair.

Does lack water cause hair loss?

If hair follicles do not get enough supply of water, your hair becomes dull, dry, rough, and brittle. It will later result in hair fall. Your hair breaks down easily in this case.


To conclude, we may answer the question: Does long hair cause more hair loss easily. From the above discussion, it is clear that long hair mainly does not affect baldness.

Luckily, if you have long hair, it doesn’t mean that you lose your hair more. Many other genuine reasons really cause hair fall.

If you notice more hair shedding than usual, you must contact your consultant and try to get the best advice.

This post will also help you to choose the most suitable solution for this problem. Before getting bald completely, stop this issue at an early stage by adopting simple ways.

Maybe in the future, we will be able to explore easier tips to grow back your hair after it falls.

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