Does Facial Hair Grow Faster Than Head Hair? [Growth Rate Differences]

You might have observed you’ve to shave your beard more than the hair on your head. Why?

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Being a guy, it’s troubleshooting to do frequent shaving after every week. You might have to think about why the hair on the head doesn’t require as much cutting or shaving as the hair on the face.

The reason is that both hairs grow differently. They come from different skin types, hence belong to entirely different follicles.

Does facial hair grow faster than head hair?

Yes, there is a slight difference in the growth rate of both. If the hair on the scalp grows ½ inch per month, facial hair grows a one-quarter inch per month. Moreover, if head hair grows 0.3mm to0.5mm per day, facial hair grows 0.3 to 0.5mm per day. The main reason is unique follicles on both scalp and skin.

One thing more, facial hair has a shorter development stage in months. While scalp hair takes time to complete development over years.

Though its rough estimation, many other factors play a vital role in affecting the growth rate of both hair types. These are genes, age, gender, hair type, diet, weather, ethnicity, and many more. Keep reading to know the in-depth details!

Does facial Hair Grow Faster Or Slower Than Head Hair?

The answer to this question is different for everyone. The growth rate of both hair types is highly dependent on how the body of an individual actually works. It also depends on the hormonal levels, genetics, and diet of a person. So, there is no exact figure of how facial hair grows differently from head hair.

We can’t say facial hair grows slower or faster than scalp hair. But in fact, both grow differently as scalp follicles are unique from follicles of the skin. So, the strength and length of both hair types are different. We got scalp hair when we‘re born. But facial hair grows late in our life during puberty.

Initially, they grow faster but after getting a certain length the growth rate reduces. But when we shave facial hair, we actually boost the growth rate.

After shaving, hair tends to grow more quickly. So give time to your face skin to rest or recover from the previous shave. Wait at least a week before shaving again. Use shaving inhibitors to stop facial hair from growing too fast.

Why Does Facial Hair Seem To Grow Faster Than Head Hair: Reasons

It’s a common observation that facial hair needs to shave a lot, so they grow faster. But the hair on the scalp needs less cutting and grows slower.

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What are the facts behind this myth? Is there any science behind the difference in the growth rate of both? There are few reasons to explain why facial hair grows faster than the hair on the scalp?

Facial hair indeed seems to grow faster than head hair. But this is not true for females. Hairs that grow on different portions of the skin are entirely different in properties from the hair on the head. The follicles of different areas of skin are different.

Moreover, the follicles react to different sex and age groups differently. For example in females, facial hair grows slower than males. So, there are many contributing factors to determine the growth rate difference.

Let’s read below the reasons…

1-Skin of scalp and face is different

Both head and facial hair come from different sources. The skin of the scalp is harder than the skin of the face. Hence the nature of follicles is entirely different.

That’s why the rate of hair growth seems to be different in both hair types. Head hair stays with man throughout life but facial hair comes late in puberty. If you want to protect your facial skin and scalp, moisturize it well using natural oils.

2-We deal with head hair and facial hair differently

The way we deal with both hair matters a lot. We can massage, oil, comb, and care for head hair more than facial hair. We take facial hair unwanted and always want to get rid of it.

So, we shave it as soon as it makes an appearance. This act of shaving promotes facial growth. It’s advisable to use a facial hair inhibitor spray if you want to slow down the growth of hair.

3-Regular shaving boost facial hair growth

Unwanted hair like facial hair is subjected to regular shave. Whenever we shave it we actually stimulate the follicles to regrow. That’s why the hair on the face grows much faster than head hair. We shave our heads a few times as compared to the face. It is the main reason that facial hair grows faster.

4-Hair texture of both scalp and facial hair is different

The hair on the head becomes pulled as it increases in length. But the hair on the whisker, beard twist as it gains length. So, both hairs grow in different shapes.

Moreover, head hair is lens denser than facial hair. Facial skin is more habitual of chemicals than the scalp. As we regularly wash it many times. But scalp skin will accumulate chemical product residue when we use it more.

5-Facial hair has a shorter developing stage.

Both scalp and hair growth in three stages, anagen, catagen, and telogen. On the scalp, this developing stage takes a considerably long time over years. But in fact, it may take a few months to reach the telogen (dropping stage). That’s why facial hair is weaker than head hair. You can easily pluck it with a tweezer.

6. Facial Hair Show Androgenic Hair Development

The development of facial hair is mainly associated with the testosterone level of the body. It means the higher the level of testosterone, the more rapidly the facial hair will grow. Though more research is needed to explain the growth rate of facial hair and testosterone level.

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Does Facial Hair and Head Hair Grow At The Same Speed

No, they grow differently. The average hair on the head grows ½ inch per month. While facial hair grows a one-quarter inch per month. That means hair growth of facial hair is a bit more than head hair. However, after reaching a certain length the facial hair reduces growth rate.

One more thing, the growth rate of both hair types varies from person to person. It means facial hair growth and scalp hair growth depend on sex, age, gene, diet, overall health, and hair care routine of a person. So, there is no hard and fast rule to depict the growth changes in both.

How Fast Does Facial Hair Grow Per Day

Roughly facial hair grows 0.3 to 0.5 mm per day. It may take 2 to 4 months to grow a full beard. When you shave, the hair-like fuzz will appear on the face after 2 to 3 days. Within one month it will grow one-quarter inch in length. This rate is a bit faster than the hair on the head.

However, you can’t say the facial and head hair growth rate is the same in every individual. It also depends on other factors like diet, hormonal level, sex, age, overall health, and gene.

You may have observed some guys get full beards overnight while others may not. More research is needed to scientifically prove the head and facial hair growth rate difference.

Facial Hair Vs Head Hair: Which grow faster

There is no strict rule to identify growth rate differences in both hair types. Let’s examine the facial hair Vs head hair in the table below…

Table Facial Hair Vs Head Hair:

Facial HairHead Hair
Growth rate 0.3 to 0.5mm per dayGrowth rate 0.3 to 0.4mm per day
Growth rate quarter inch per monthGrowth rate: ½ inch per month
Initially grow more speedyGrow at the same rate unless particular length and age
Grows near pubertyGrows after or even before birth
Shaved frequentlyShaved less
Washed frequentlyWashed less
Grows wiry when gaining lengthGrows straight and pulling when gaining length

Frequently Asked Questions

What hair grows the fastest?

In genders, males’ hair grows faster than females but up to certain age. The age between 15 to 30 is ideal for the fastest hair growth. In ethnicity, Asian hairs grow faster than Africans. Moreover, the growth rate is highly dependent on the genes of the individual. After the 30s many follicles stop functioning normally.

When does facial hair grow the fastest?

Surprisingly facial hair growth in males depends on the weather. In winter, beard growth is the slowest. While in summer or in July the growth rate is at its peak. But most people dislike facial growth in summer. So they tend to shave more frequently.

What makes facial hair grow fast?

Its gene, hormonal level, diet, overall health, and weather make facial growth fast or slow. If testosterone levels are high in some individuals, facial hair is likely to grow faster. Moreover in winter, the growth rate is slower than in summer.

Bottom Line

It’s proven from this post that facial hair tends to grow a bit faster than head hair. The main reasons for this growth difference are hormonal level, gene, diet, frequent shaving, and different follicle types.

For guys, it’s knowledgeable to know when they need to shave whiskers and beards. If they are comparing the hair cut time and shaving time they should focus a bit on numbers. I think it’s time-saving to plan both a haircut and facial shave on the same day.

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